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They were newly married, just one year, when Chris + Annamarie moved to McKinney, TX from Washington State. Chris working full time at a local church and Annamarie enlisted by her Aunt Darla to help open a storefront for her flowershop in Grapevine, TX. It didn’t take long for Annamarie to realize she was not just fascinated with the artistic process of design, but with the actual flowers themselves! Over the years of processing boxes and boxes of flowers shipped from all over the world - she found herself considering the farmers, the seeds, the care, and all the steps in between that resulted in the flowers set in front of her.


In 2013 while celebrating their 5 year anniversary touring the New England area, they stopped into a beautiful roadside flower farm. It was then when Chris caught a glimpse of the dream hiding away in Annamarie's heart. One that complimented his passions for the great outdoors and entrepreneurship. They returned to McKinney, TX sharing a quiet vision for their future. 


Here they are now, in the northeast countryside of McKinney, TX where winding roads lead.

A small piece of land filled with big dreams, beautiful flowers, and God's Abundant grace.  

about us

Farmer Chris is the head honcho for all things farm operations. He manages food crops, animal care, equipment and facilities maintenance. He is also the "idea guy" with new ideas constantly running through his mind. Maybe an attempt to keep up with his feet as this guy is a two time Boston Marathon Qualifier! Chris is the one who brings fun to both our family and the farm.


FarmHer Annamarie is the manager of all things floral. She organizes the flower crops, farm events and day to day floral studio operations. She is also a professionally trained florist and the main designer for all the farm needs. Lastly Annamarie is the "filter girl" helping to keep all those ideas running in sync and with a shared purpose. An introvert at her core, she treasures quiet moments on the farm with her family.


Jacob is daddy's little buddy and right hand. Just as fast on his feet too! He is an enthusiastic learner with a steady line of questioning from dawn to dusk. 


Cherish is mommy's constant shadow. But don't let that fool you as she is the real boss around here! She is always dressed in her best princess farm-wear and is a faithful companion to all our farm animals.


We all share a love for people, the outdoors and Jesus. 

Family Farm Stand.jpg




You'll never guess how she landed that name! :) And, talk about landed.... she literally landed on our front porch. Just showed up. And never left. Don't think she realized what a funny farm she was joining when she adopted us! While Dottie is her name, FETCH is her game - so don't be surprised when she drops a stick at your feet!



This girl was featured on a "LOST PUPPY" poster. With no inquiries, friends called to see if she could have a home with us. The timing was right! She needed a name so we quickly decided on Lisi, short for Lisianthus. A favorite flower here on the farm. Lisi has grown into a rather sweet companion chasing our children around the farm. 



This guy is the only "miniature" potbelly pig that decided to stick around (or rather, the only one too big to escape the getaway hole). Seriously... the miniature part? ...not so much. Simon is a pig of many talents - he can be found ubering the chickens around the field on his back, polish off an entire pumpkin before you can say "October", and holds the farm record for longest nap. As you can tell he is quite the ham who often makes us chuckle with his stoic charm. After the great escape took place we realized we weren't quite ready to be pig farmers - but we sure are glad Simon stuck around as he has endeared himself to all our hearts.


Chicken crew

We thought, "what's a farm without fresh eggs?" So we said "yes!" to a batch of baby chicks from a local elementary school and that began our journey with chickens.

They aren't so keen on keeping their hen house in order - but their delicious dark gold yolks make us forget all about their finicky habits.



This woolly fellow arrived by the providential timing of the great Shepherd. He was loved & nurtured by a superstar FFA-er.  When his career as a show lamb ended in early retirement we welcomed him to our farm. Rufus displays all kinds of courtesy and patience, especially to his pen-mate... who is well... quite a hog! (Literally!) He also loves visitors and weeds so feel free to pull a few before heading over to say hi!


“I see God in the beauty, the awesomeness,
and the power of growth that is both dependent on my actions and independent at the same time.”

Ann Codrington   /   Nisani Farms

Please notE the farm & Studio are not open to the public for unscheduled tours, appointments, orders etc. 
For open community flowerstand hours please check out the specific seasonal details HERE.

© 2020 by Abundant Flower Farm, LLC





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